
Lebanese media and invasion of privacy

Recently, online news outlets started circulating a news report about two men who were arrested in the Achrafieh area. The men were caught inside a car for having sex or making out. I’m not sure since all of that is lumped in “indecent acts”.

The point that I want to highlight on in this post is how the media delt with this incident. In reporting it, they used the identification information of the men involved. They reported their first name, initials of middle and last names, date of birth and nationality. Seriously?! Like there was really no need for the initials.

This is a very unnecessary violation of privacy that will probably harm the men involved very seriously. There it is important that we don’t share the link to such news report and instead send them an email urging them to take out this information. Below is a sample that I am using when email these sites. If you don’t want to write one your own, please feel free to use it as well.


Dear Sir/Mme,

In a recent entry on your site:
<insert link if you want>

You provided the identification info for the people who were arrested (first name, initials for middle and last names,year of birth, nationality).

This is completely unnecessary and might harm the people concerned. It is also a direct violation of their privacy and an unprofessional journalistic behavior.

Please take appropriate action by removing the identification information and preserving the privacy of the people in questions.

Thank you



Barra documentary at IDAHO2012

Hey all,

This the video that we showed in the introduction to Barra Magazine. It details the work of the magazine and it’s sections. Hope you like it.

p.s. you can check the magazine online and download it on and I’ll follow with the venues for the hard copies soon!

Cheers to all 🙂


Barra Issue 003: only four days to go :)

Feeeeeels like ages since my last blog! But I’m and ready to babel again.

So yes! Barra magazine is ready for the relaunch on June the 3rd during the IDAHO2012 (international day against homophobia and transphobia) and it’s amaaaaaazing. We’ve got all the sections that we talked about from news to short stories and some sassy horoscopes to top it off.

Check out the sneak peak of the cover (jean is even wearing a shirt lol);

Re-launching date 3rd of June @ 2pm, sofil center – metropolis cinema!

Oh and if you haven’t seen the teaser yet, here you go 😀